Week 2: Time Management

Week #2: Time Management

  • Following a schedule is simply developing a habit
  • The more often you do it – The easier it becomes
  • Remember it takes time to develop a great habit
  • How many plan on being in real estate next year?
  • If it took you the next 3-6-12-18 months — Would it be a good investment of your time to develop more productive habits

3 Segments to a Top Producing Agents Day

  1. Morning Routine — Wake up till 12pm
  2. Early Afternoon Routine — 12pm-3pm
  3. Presentation Time — 3pm-7pm
  • Morning Routine — Critical to your success – This gets everything started
  • Master this first portion — Money routine
  • Energy is higher, more alert, haven’t been told no a lot, focus is clear
  • Nothing in your personal or business life that cannot wait until noon
  • Create a perfect day / perfect schedule
  • Interruptions will come up — This is life/normal
  • If we don’t have a perfect day to start with, how do we know what to expect to start with
  • In time management – productivity revolves around: Prospecting, Lead Follow Up, pre Qualifying, Attending Appointments
  • Your schedule should always be based on the goals that you have – Not anything else
  • A precise schedule solves almost every single production problem that you have
  • Treat your business as if it was a real business – Your buyers and sellers think you have a real professional job

Perfect Day

  • Arrive at the office at 7:30am >> Breakfast Club Morning Role Play
  • 8-12pm >> Prospecting
  • 12pm-1pm >> Lunch/Relax
  • 1pm-2pm >> Additional Admin work, return messages and emails
  • 2pm-3pm >>Lead Follow up and Pre-qualifying
  • 3pm-7pm >> Presentations


  • Create a schedule just for this next week for the important productive activities
  • Schedule out these 4 activities: Prospecting, Lead Follow Up, pre-Qualifying, Attending Appointments
  • Focus on the Morning Routine — See if you can do this for 5 days
  • Keep track of your time from 8am-12pm >> Track it hour by hour for the next week
  • Let’s see if the productivity is going to change when some of the habits change